
お客様のご意見を取り入れ、 サポートとダウンロードページが新しく、より使いやすくなりました! Visit the Support and Downloads Experience page to learn more about this update.



Zebra's free Device Diagnostic Tool (DDT) quickly tests the hardware, battery, software, and connectivity on most Zebra Android mobile computers to determine device health and functionality. This powerful, user-friendly tool can quickly troubleshoot device issues that users can resolve themselves in the field, limiting downtime and unnecessary returns for repair. If your device does need repair, running the DDT test will help isolate the problem when you seek additional support.



デバイス診断ツール 3.1 が利用可能

• New Camera Test to validate camera functionality.  It allows a user to capture an image with the back camera of the device and evaluate the quality of the image captured.

Consult the release notes to learn more and download the latest version of DDT as an APK file or from the Google Play Store.


Get it on Google Play.


.APK ファイルのインストール手順

1. 下の[DDT V3(.APKファイル)をダウンロード]ボタンをクリックして、.APKファイルをダウンロードします。

2. 管理者が.APKファイルをデバイスにダウンロード/コピーしたら、デバイスで.APKファイルを開いてDDTをインストールしてください。

Google Play ストアインストール手順

1. 下のGoogle Playボタンをクリックして、Google Playストアからアプリケーションにアクセスします。

2. [インストール]ボタンをクリックしてください。



1. DDTは、デバイスのアプリケーションメニューにアクセスして使用することができます。

2. [開く] ボタンをクリックしてアプリケーションを起動します。

3. プロンプトが表示されたら、求められる通りにすべてのアクセス権を付与します。

4. [テストの実行] をクリックしてデバイス上のすべてのテストを実行します。画面の一覧から特定のテストを選んで実行してもかまいません。




Device Diagnostic Tool How-to Videos.


デバイス診断ツール V3をサポートしているAndroidオペレーティング システムのバージョン:

  • アンドロイド10
  • アンドロイド11
  • アンドロイド13

デバイス診断ツール V3は、次のZebra Androidモバイルコンピュータで使用できます。

The following eleven tests are available to run with Device Diagnostic Tool V3:

  • Audio Test: Checks whether the device microphone and speaker are functioning correctly. The user is required to record sample audio and listen to the sample audio recording to execute this test.

  • Battery Test: Measures and reports the health of the battery. The following battery related information is provided: battery capacity, battery level, part number, serial number, manufacture date, decommission status, voltage, current, and temperature. Additionally, you may set the maximum cycle count threshold for battery replacement

  • Bluetooth Test: Checks whether bluetooth is functioning correctly. The following Bluetooth related information is provided: Bluetooth name, radio power cycle result, radio functional/non-functional, and discoverable/connectable.

  • Button Test: Checks the operation of push-to-talk, left or right scan trigger, and volume up and volume down device buttons. The user is required to push the applicable buttons on the device to execute this test.

  • Camera Test: Checks the functionality of the device camera by capturing an image with the back camera of the device and evaluating the quality of the image captured.

  • Keyboard Test: Validate physical key functionality. It outputs the keycode values when a physical key is pressed, providing assurance that the key is functioning properly.

  • Network Test: Checks whether the device can connect to a network (WLAN or WAN)

  • Scanner Test: Checks whether the device can successfully scan a barcode without error. The user is required to perform the scan operation to execute this test.

  • SD Card Test: Checks for SD card presence, total/free space, and read/write status.

  • Touch Screen Test: Checks whether the touch screen of device is functioning correctly. The user is required to touch the display to execute this test.

  • USB Test: Checks the functionality of the USB port on the device

  • WiFi Test: Measures the signal strength, availability of WiFi, and checks for operation of the WiFi radio. The following WiFi related information is provided: MAC address, network test results from specified address, radio power cycle result, signal strength, ESSID, IP address, BSSID, and speed.

Note, to run the test, users must now manually enable WIFI on all devices and also enable location service on Android 10 devices. A message displays to prompt the user to turn on WIFI or location service prior to running the test. If wifi is not enabled the test will not run. If location service is not enabled, the test will run however the ESSID value will display "location not enabled"

  • WWAN Test:  Measures the cellular network connection strength and checks for operation of the WWAN radio. The following WWAN information is provided: SIM state, voice state, data state, WAN type, signal strength, phone number, and device ID. Note, if a SIM card is not detected, a caution message displays informing the user that a SIM card is not installed and the test will not run.

Android のセキュリティ要件に準拠するために、このテストを Android 10 デバイスで実行すると、テストの詳細画面にデバイス ID が表示されなくなり、履歴ログ ファイルでデバイス ID やデバイス サービス番号がキャプチャされなくなります。




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